Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You Can't Say We Never Tried

A beautiful classic. It's rather haunting, especially when Mick Jagger whispers "Angie". This is one of my favorites by the Stones. I know this is actually from the 70s, but the Stones were originally a 60s as I am a hippie, I am declaring this a hippie song..haha. ;)



  1. Hello! I'm Ginela from
    Need I say you are just brilliant? Man to see such a wondeful young hippie my age so into hippie love and groovyness! Your blog is love, so much wonderful music. Thanks for being you and for loving the hippie culture! Sure is the best thing ever. I'd love for you to shoot some of your trippy vocabulary at me sometime, I love crazy vocabulary.
    Anyhow yeah.. Much peace and love and flower power girl!
    See you around
    *adds herself to your followers*
