Tuesday, April 26, 2011

little sisters of the sun lit candles in the rain ☮

Hi everybody!
I know I'm late for Earth Day, but I've been super busy with one thing and another. Unfortunately due to previously made plans, I wasn't able to do something special to celebrate, not even light my candle to the Goddess, although I'm pretty sure she understands since I spent a much-needed girls night with my three best friends after a stressful and emotionally draining week. Anyway, I think I want to talk a little bit about something one of my best friends (Dear Mother Nature) said when we were discussing the recent crazy weather. 

In the past few weeks the weather has shifted from the 70s to snowing to spring-like 50s and 60s and raining...not to mention the strange weather patterns around the globe; Japan, case in point. My friend stated that she thought Mother Nature must be really pissed off. I agreed, and really, should we be surprised? Humans really haven't been treating the Earth like a living thing, we've been using it as if it's a slave that is at our beck and call. I'm not saying that I'm a saint or anything, I'm terrible with remembering to recycle things and sometimes I'm just plain lazy, I'll admit. 

Anyway, I made the observation that Mother Nature is acting rather like a hormonal teenager and my friend pointed out that it is Spring and that she's either still pregnant or suffering from postpartum depression. This conversation which began almost flippantly, seriously opened my mind and go me thinking about the fact that Mother Nature is really a force to be reckoned with and also one to cherished and respected. This strengthens my respect  Celtic Pagan teachings and Wiccan teachings because they are worshippers of the Earth and all things natural...yea that's very tangential. 

I gots to go now, but I'll write later.
Peace and Love always,

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